SCIENCE - We are scientists. We want to ‘understand’ how things work and then use this to improve. Faster & better
ART - We embrace our creativity. Like painters with colors or chefs with ingredients, we tell our story through flavors
CURIOSITY - We are fired up by curiosity and the infinite potential of flavors. We are on a quest for great tastes

The starting point of our products is high-purity
organic grain natural spirit. We mix it with highest quality spices, herbs, in-season fruits and vegetables, to create single-flavor infusions.
We distil one flavor at time, in vacuum, at room temperature, to preserve the nature and fragrance of the botanicals. Single-flavor distillates are then combined into our final recipes.
We create our recipes 'stacking' each flavor, similarly to sounds in music composition. Our aim is to find balance and harmony across the different flavors.
Focus on gin, love for all
Our main focus is gin, which we approach as a micro-brewery approaches beer. We experiment with different recipes, shaped with distinct character. We also explore the realm of liqueurs, with our Limoncello & Mastiha, where tradition and innovation intersect.
Everything is made by hand
We are crafters and strong advocates of sustainability. Everything is hand-made: the tools we use, our distillation system, all our processes. We are fascinated by the slowness of this craft.
Growing with pace
We are even smaller than a micro-distillery, we are a nano-distillery! Flavors Laboratory is young and tiny. We are growing in size, but we are not obsessed by it. We want to focus on our products, customers, and the quality of what we do.